Long River Tai Chi Circle

Our teacher and his teacher

Taichi Thoughts Journal


Useful Information


Long River Tai Chi Circle is the school of Wolfe Lowenthal, student of Cheng Man-ch'ing and author of the acclaimed There Are No Secrets, Gateway to the Miraculous , and Like a Long River

We practice Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing's "simplified" 37 posture Yang-style form. The three pillars of our study are Form, Sensing Hands, and Sword.

Long River Tai Chi Circle has branches in the US, Europe, and Colombia SA.

Wolfe writes: It was flexibility that was his (the professor's) tool. However, not a flexibility that results from everything being disjointed. The key is to combine the ideas of one-piecedness with flexibility, creating Taichi.
In the classics much is made of the quality of Taichi being like a whip, rather than a stick. It's relevant that a whip is still "one-pieced" but it is not rigid. It combines a unified chi with complete flexibility.
 ...we should remember that when we say "Relax," we are also saying, "Be loose."

Upcoming Beginners Classes

New Beginners Class in New York City, NY!
3 month course
  • Starts Tuesday, April 1st, 6:00-6:45pm, St. Michael's Church, 225 W. 99th Street (betw. Bway + Amsterdam)
  • In person and Zoom
  • Contact Tim Higginbotham: Tim@longrivertaichi.org or 917-842-4814 for questions

  • 3rd third form class
  • Starts Thursday, April 3rd, 7:00-7:45pm, St. Michael's Church, 225 W. 99th Street (betw. Bway + Amsterdam)
  • In person and Zoom
  • Contact Tim Higginbotham: Tim@longrivertaichi.org or 917-842-4814 for questions

  • Amherst 2019 Workshop
    Amherst July 2019 Workshop

    Long River Store

    There Are No Secrets Gateway to the Miraculous Like a Long River Tai Chi Chuan with Wolfe Lowenthal Taichi Thoughts Spain '06 DVD Je Me Souviens Audio CD Push Hands DVD

    Last updated 01/03/2025